ceturtdiena, 2013. gada 17. oktobris

Foto albums

Tiem, kam nepatīk "palagi", varbūt noder bildītes:
For those who do not read the "long sheets" maybe pictures will help:
Parki Londonā ir ļoti skaisti un sakopti. Dažos ļoti seni koki aug. Antonete šeit ar Timoteju kopā ar vāverītēm izlēkājās pa zariem.
There are beautiful parks in London. Some have ancient trees growing. Antonete and Tometjs were climbing the trees together with the squirrels.

Katru dienu mēs ar Timoteju divreiz mērojam ceļu uz skolu un atpakaļ. Labi, ka viņam ir skrejritenis! Žēl tikai, ka viņš nelabprāt dalās ar to. Māsai bēda, mammai bēda, bet Timotejs domā, ka dzīvē visu nosaka "man gribās" un "man negribās". Lūdziet par mani, man bieži trūkst gudrības, kad tie abi gribuļi ņem virsroku pār manu dēlu.
Twice a day we walk with Timotejs Antonete to the school and back. It is so good that he has a schooter! Only that is not good that he is not ready to share with it. Sister is sad, mom is sad, but Timotejs thinks that it all depends on "I want" and "I don't want". Please, pray for me as I often lack the wisdom in those situations.

Mūsu ģimene saulainā svētdienā pēc dievkalpojuma ar kājām dodas no baznīcas uz mājām. Dodamies pāri London bridge un pēc tam pa krastu aiz mums esošā Tower bridge virzienā.
Our family after Sunday service walks home over the London bridge then along the river towards the Tower bridge that's behind us.

Mīlestības apliecinājumi mūsu mājās nav retums. Pēc vannas abi, apmainījušies ar halātiem un sirsnīgi parunājušies, nolemj arī sabučoties. Nepaspēju nofilmēt jauko sarunu, bet buču gan.
Expressions of love are often present at our home. Both children after the bath exchanged their swim-coats, had a lovely chat and decided to kiss. I was too late to film the heart warming chat but came on time to see a kiss.

Vienīgais rīts, kad bērnus nebija grūti pierunāt celties un velties ārā no gultas. Tētis virtuvē atstājjis pārsteigumu. Kāds prieks uz galda vērot karuseli, ko no konstruktora iepriekšējā vakarā pagatavojis mīļais tētītis. Turklāt karuselis arī pats griežas!
It was the only morning when children agreed to get up and got out of their beds immediately. Their daddy left a surprice for them in the kitchen. What a joy in childrens face observing a carousel which daddy made the previous night for them. And it was turning round and round itself!

Mazā skolniecīte pie savas skolas vārtiem. Vecāki skolā vispār nekad iekšā netiek. Atved bērnus skolas pagalmā, piecas minūtes pirms deviņiem skolotāja ieved savu klasi skolā un tad pēcpusdienā arī vecāki sagaida bērnus pagalmā trijos piecpadsmit. Drošības apsvērumus saprotu, bet skolotāju satikt vairāk kā uz minūti nav iespējams:-(
Our little school girl by the fence of her school. Parents are never alowed to enter the school. We bring our offsprings to the school yard where the teacher comes five to nine to pick them all and take inside the school. Then in the afternoon all the parents wait their kids at the yards again. School ends at 3.15. I understand all the security reasons, but I get to see my daughters teacher just for a minute:-(

Mārtiņš pārsvarā uz darbu brauc ar riteni. No rītiem ielas pilnas ar viņam līdzīgajiem. Pie luksofora sastājas kādi 30 un tad sākas sacensība, kurš pirmais līdz nākamajam luksaforam. Un jā, starp citu, mašīnas arī mēģina pa to ielu braukt.
Martins goes to work mostly by bicycle. On mornings the streets are full of the cyclists. At the street lights usually around 30 of them are stopping and then the race starts - who is going to be the first getting the distance untill the next street light done?! And yes, the cars also have to find their way to get there.

Interesanti vērot kā ūdenslīmenis Temzā mainās. Paskat, te vienā atzarojumā tik dubļi vien redzami.
It is interesting to see the changes of the water level in the Thames river. See how there is just mud left.
Gar upes krastu ļoti patīkams un gleznains pastaigu celiņš. Te arī viens trošu tiltiņš, kur kapteinis Timotejs cenšas savaldīt iedomu kuģi. Uz priekšu netiekam, jo kurš tad stūrēšot.
There is a beautiful walking path along the river. Here is a little bridge where Timotejs imagined to be a captain of the ship. We couldn't walk further because ship cannot be left without a captain!

Tower bridge.

Bērni pagatavoja smukumiņus mūsu virtuves logam. Tagad mums ir okeānīgs skats uz iekšpagalmu.
Children made small ornaments for our kitchen window. Now we have the ocean looking view to our back yard.


Tas vēl vasarā. Timotejs un kaķis. Bilde mūsu māsīcai Annai par prieku (kaķu mīlītei)!
This was made in summer.Timotejs and a cat. This is for our little cousine Anna - she is our cat lover!

Kādu dienu Timotejs mūs pamācīja: "Mums vajag nopirkt vairāk krēslus virtuvei un uztaisīt lielāku māju, varbūt tad Dievs mums dos vēl kādu mazu māsiņu un brālīti." Te nu Mārtiņš sāk ar māju. Starp citu, viņa vārdā nosauktas arī neskaitāmas iestādes Londonā.
One day Timotejs says: We need to buy more chairs for the kitchen and make our home a bit larger maybe then God will give us a little sister and brother! Here Martins decided to start with the house. By the way, there are many places named after my husband in London!

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